
Membership Fee 

The Bel-Air Community Association (BACA) Board of Directors has reinstated an annual membership fee 

to ensure that BACA has the required funding to carry out our objectives and events.

As per the BACA Constitution Section 7.01 Members : Membership in the Bel-Air Community Association shall consist of persons interested in furthering the Bel-Air Community Association’s purposes. “Full members” must be residents 18 years of age or over, living in the area within the boundaries of the Bel-Air Community and paid the annual membership fee. Only full members have the right to vote and hold office or be a member of a Committee. “Associate Member” means an individual who has joined the Bel-Air Community Association, and paid the annual membership fee, but is resident outside the boundaries as described in section 1.03.  A copy of the BACA Constitution is on our website under “About Us”. Bel Air Community Association

 Adoption of Non-Partisan Policy for Elections 

BACA has adopted a new Non-Partisan Election policy that will align us with the city's requirements to stay neutral in during a election campaign.  The full text of the document can be found under the Resources tab. 

Cleaning Our Community

With the current stay at home order, the Cleaning the Capital event initially planned for end of April has been postponed. Let's take a bag along on our next walk and help to clean our community. Some areas that need attention are along the NCC fences across from Putman and by Iris, the entrance to the NCC space by Forman and Navaho, the mailboxes by Ferguson near Baseline. I'm sure that there are other spots that are not mentioned as well. The community will be so grateful for your work. Stay safe and enjoy our community's beautiful outdoor space.

Easter Egg Hunt

Try to find the 22 egg suncatchers hanging in the trees on Albany, Amesbrooke, Sherman, Marygrove, Edgeland, Checkers, Castle Hill, Erindale,  Woodside (both ends), Whitmore, Cline, Agincourt, Garfield and Field. Take a photo and post in comments.

Many thanks to our Easter Fairy, Valerie Falcioni for making all the beautiful suncatchers and for those neighbours willing to host a suncatcher in their tree.

Rat Problems in Neighbourhood

City-wide construction has disturbed rat burrows causing them to look for new homes in our neighbourhood. Residents have reported rat problems in the neighbourhood. Rats have been seen on the streets, around residents properties garbage/recycling bins, sheds, garages and even inside a resident's home. Rats can bite through water lines, wiring and cause a lot of damage to your home. We are calling on all residents to help with this problem. Here is a link to some information on steps you can take to help mitigate this problem.

Note: The city sewers in the Riddell area are to be baited (with 2 follow-ups until the rats are gone). Please continue to report rat problems to 311 and email the so we can help advocate for rat baiting when needed. 

Reminder regarding garbage, parking and property maintenance by-laws

We would like to remind residents that garbage can be put at the curb any time after 6 pm the evening prior to your collection day and no later than 7 am on your collection day. Place bags or cans on the ground as close as possible to the roadway, but not on the sidewalk, roadway or on top of a snow bank. Empty cans and bins are to be removed from the curb on the same day of pickup. 

We would also like to ensure you are aware of the property maintenance and parking by-laws infractions such as not parking cars on lawns, as well as the removal of derelict vehicles and the accumulation of junk or debris around a property. You can learn more about the by-laws on the city website.

Outdoor Rinks

The outdoor ice rinks at Agincourt Park and Bel-Air Park (on Berwick Avenue) are opened for residents to enjoy. Please follow the Covid-19 safety measures.

Important Notice on Winter Maintenance and Parking Bans

Here is what you need to know about the winter parking ban to avoid parking tickets.

BACA President's Report for AGM Nov 1, 2020

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the Bel Air Community Association Annual General Meeting via Zoom.

Hope everyone is doing well as the world continues to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic

I am Kathryn Loyen and with Jean Mullan we have been the Co-Presidents for the 2019-2020


We both would like to say Thank You to the current Board of Directors for their time

representing the community. Thank You to other members that have volunteered for events or

advocating on specific issues that impact this community. And Thank You to all the residents

that are members of the Bel Air Community Association.

Here are some Highlights of 2020 in the Bel Air Community Association:

Winter Fun Day did take place on Family Day at Berwick Park. Thank You to Tatiana Vorobej

for coordinating the event. It was a beautiful sunny winter day with a lot of people that came to

skate, paint the snow and ice and enjoy some hot chocolate and snacks.

Thank You to William Brigden for maintaining the rink at this location and to Tom Sauve who

maintains the Agincourt Rink. The boards are up, so stay tune for when the rinks open on the

BACA Facebook page and any safety measures in place for COVID.

As COVID hit and so many restrictions were put into place, many planned activities were

cancelled. However, lots of residents promoted great ideas to put pictures in our windows

based on themes such as Valentines Day and Easter and recently for Halloween for children to

look for when walking through the neighbourhood.

The GLAD Cleaning the Capital Program was able to have a fall campaign, but with new

restrictions the BACA suggested people go out in small groups and collect garbage. Let’s

continue to do our part to pick up litter safely and dispose of it. A reminder to dog owners to be

sure to pick up dog poo and dispose of it.

Thank You to Karen Yantha for contacting the property owner for apartments regarding garbage

issues. They have now installed an enclosure to contain the garbage bins.

The Board of Directors monthly meetings went from someone's home to the Zoom format in

April to continue to represent the Bel Air Community Association.

Facebook/Website redesigned thanks to Jean.

Posting information on the Facebook / Website: such as COVID updates and promoting to

thank front line workers every Wednesday, Neighbourhood Watch Updates, and posting other

relevant information. Did you know about Buy Nothing or the Parents of Copeland Park/Bel Air

Websites? Create way to network in the community.

Responding to e-mails

City of Ottawa:

Public Meeting for proposed subdivision of 2112 Bel Air Drive (July 7)

Transportation Master Plan Update

Tree Planting City and NCC

Traffic issues: Flex Poles on various streets, requesting lower speed limits around school, Slow

Down signs

Winter Parking Restrictions Feedback from residents

Bel-Air, Bedbrooke, Field, Iris Integrated Project in 2021

2021 Budget for College Ward Oct 29

Board Members participate in other meetings and BACA is part of the Federation of Community

Association (FCA), liaise with other Community Associations in Ward 8.

Suzanne Brown is the Neighbourhood Watch contact and she has provides updates on the

neighbourhood which will be provided later in the meeting.

The other board members will provide an update on the sub committees.

The board will continue to represent the Bel Air Community Association. If you are interested to

participate, please consider to join. And if not to be on the board, please continue to contact us

with information requests and concerns. Also to tell your neighbours to become members.

Thank You for attending this Annual General Meeting today.

2019-2020 NCC and City Park Report for AGM Nov 1, 2020

Last year at the AGM, we had reported on 60 trees added to the NCC land between Iris and Maitland (@ Cline) plus 2 benches were added along the NCC pathway near the old Church and east of the Cline entrance. Hydro One had cut down many trees under their power lines through the NCC property and Navaho Park plus many residents properties. The BACA was successful in its request to the City to get trees for Navaho Park and Garfield Parks which will be planted by November 2020. We had requested additional trees for the NCC land for this year but wasn't successful but have put in a request for next season (2021). 

Bench at Bel-Air Park: The memorial granite bench from the old St. Michael's Anglican Church  at 2112 Bel-Air Drive has been moved to the Bel-Air Park on Berwick. The bench was donated from the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa and they have offered to add a plaque. Thank you to the staff at the Councillor's office and city staff for their help in moving the bench.

Fencing at Garfield Park: We requested the completion of fencing at the Garfield off-leash dog park. The park is currently open to Garfield Drive and 2 homes backing onto the park. We would like to have the park closed in for the safety of the dogs and those driving by. We will also ask to have the sewer top grids changed to less open grids to avoid injury to the dogs.

Jean Mullan, Co-President & Chair of NCC & City Parks Committee

2019-2020 Traffic Committee Report for AGM Nov 1, 2020

1. We have had an unusual situation with our Councillor being on leave for part of the

year. Nonetheless, several matters have moved forward.

2. Flexiposts have been installed on Navaho Drive between Iris Street and the tennis courts

at Laxton Crescent. Unfortunately, the flexiposts between Iris and Baseline have still not

been put up – still a concern at Forman Cres and Navaho Drive. A request has been

made to have the speed limit reduced to 40 KPH on Navaho Drive south of Iris.

3. The Councillor’s office has been approached repeatedly to have the speed limits in the

school districts reduced to 30 KPH. This would include on Agincourt Ave. at Agincourt

Public School, St. Daniel’s Catholic School on Field Cres and Charlotte Lemieux French

Public School on Belair drive.

4. We want to thank the more than 25 residents who submitted recommendations to the Councillor’s

office regarding wintertime parking in June and July.

5. In general, we are pursuing having he speed limit throughout the community reduced to

40 KPH and hoping that this does not have to be agreed to street by street through

petitioning by residents.

6. In October, a Bel-Air community member shared with the Board that there was a fourth

accident in front of his house on Field Cres – these accidents have occurred over a

period of several years. The Traffic committee and Board are now pursuing traffic

calming measures and a reduced speed limit for Field Cres including at St Daniel’s


7. The traffic committee is always looking for more engagement. Please contact 

the BACA email to join in the fun!

Michelle Meyers, Chair, Traffic Committee

2019-2020 Development and Housing Committee Report for AGM Nov 1, 2020

The major highlights for Development and Housing:

 - sale and development of 2112 Bel-Air Dr (old St Michael's church)

 - proliferation of rental development in the area

The property was sold to Uniform Development in Ottawa, a boutique builder with a good reputation for constructing high-end developments.  The plans show the construction for 27 units, mainly row homes. We hosted several meetings with the community and the builder to ensure all our concerns about parking, traffic, water pressure, winter snow storage and flooding have been addressed.  We have been pleased with the responses from Uniform.  At this point, we have heard no firm dates on the start of construction.

Our community is mainly composed of single family homes and it is zoned for that especially the zoning that doesn't allow for duplexes.  When I brought up the fact that our homes were being bought specifically to be converted to rental units, I was pointed to the Ontario law for secondary dwellings.  As well, these converted main floor/basement rental units were not considered a duplex even though they were on the same foundation.  We basically have NO say in how our community is being redeveloped since there are several bylaws and laws that contradict each other and allow owners to bypass the intent of our community as a single family home community.

We are also finding more homes being converted to rooming houses.  I worked with Rick to have a bylaw amendment to ensure homes with 8 or more bedrooms to be considered as a rooming house and not allowed in our community. We know of one home on Navaho Drive that was being marketed as having 8 bedrooms but we have no recourse now that the home has been constructed.  These rental property earmarked for student type housing are very lucrative where the renting of individual rooms far surpassing the rent for a 3 bedroom unit.

The problem with these rental units is the city has no power to enter the home to investigate any infractions. I was working with Rick on a new bylaws and licensing of these rental units but hopefully Rick will have more to say on these changes.

In summary, I have found it extremely frustrating navigating the bylaw BS that allows these rental units to be developed.  My only recommendation to the community is to continue monitoring development and call the city bylaw department at 311 to ensure these developments are inspected before they are completed and to insure all the building permits have been issued.

Thank you,

Brent Webster, Chair of Development and Housing Committee

Neighbourhood Watch News for AGM Nov 1, 2020

Hello all,

I do hope this finds you well.

 In reviewing the crimes in our neighourhood there are no crimes in Bel-Air.   I am surprised since I get the odd call from some residents about incidents yet they do not appear on the tool I use to review crimes.   A few items worthy of note:

1.       Although I realize that there have been workers in our neighbourhood as they prepare for the upgrades to our water and sewer system, it's quite possible that you may have seen workers entering your yards, looking for services.  Having said that, I'm told that late at night, one resident has reported suspicious activity in his yard.   Although it was reported to the Police, it does not appear on the crime reporting tool that I use. 

2.       Recently, one dog walker was approached at Iris and the Bike path, asking for money.   May I suggest that for those of you that walk in the neighbourhood (and there are many including me :-), that you leave your wallet and mobile device(s) at home. 

3.       Oct. 24th Damage to property, Field Street: a drunk driver slammed into a few vehicles on Field Street north of Iris before stopping on Field south of Iris   The person was arrested on the scene.

4.       Although Bel-Air seems to be crime free as far as the Police Report would indicate, there are crimes in neighbouring communities that you may be interested.  In fact, my Watch area has expanded to a few residents in Copeland Park.

5.       Nearby incidents:

a.       Woodroffe at Iris: Robbery - personal - items taken  8pm  Oct. 7

b.      Cline near Sherman:  theft  11 am  Oct. 19

c.       Apartments on Baseline; Oct. 7. 5 pm; mischief to property

d.      College Square in the area of Chatters or so:  Theft:  Sept 25, 8pm.

Here are News from the Ottawa Police 

  1.       Reminder: Important tips to protect your vehicle from car thieves

(Ottawa) –The Ottawa Police reminds the community that the risk of thefts, and repeat thefts, of high-end Lexus and Toyota vehicles in Ottawa is still very present, particularly with larger SUVs, RX350, 4 Runner and Highlander There have been 11 luxury vehicle thefts in the past week.

We remind car owners of the following tips to protect their vehicle:

•       Make your vehicle less vulnerable to theft by parking it in a locked garage and or by blocking it in tightly with a second vehicle. Exterior lighting and video surveillance around the driveway can also serve as a deterrent.

•       Consider installing an after marker electronic immobilizer devices which can interfere with the starting of the vehicle.

•       Be vigilant that there is no damage to the door locks mechanisms as this could be an indicator that your car has been targeted.

•       Consider protecting your vehicle with devices such as car alarms or steering wheel locking devices such as "The Club".

•       GPS tracking devices have become increasingly popular. Some even allow the vehicle owner to electronically "fence-in" their vehicle whereby an alarm cue would occur if the vehicle were to leave the fenced-in area without authorization.

•       Locks to restrict access to the on-board diagnostic plug exist and when applied can impede a thief from re-programming a key.

•       If you are selling your vehicle, be wary not to let anyone have access to your car keys and do not let your vehicle out of your sight. This prevents a thief from copying your key during a “test drive” so they can return to steal it.

•       Finally, good old fashioned neighbourhood watch is a great deterrent. Be vigilant and call 911 to report any suspicious vehicles in your neighbourhood.  Most thefts occur between midnight and 5am in the morning.

Investigators have not yet seen the use of signal amplifiers in Ottawa. In the event that this technology makes its way to Ottawa, a simple line of defense is to consider keeping any vehicle with a proximity key fob inside a radio frequency shield device (RFS device).  This will prevent the key fob’s signal from being amplified to the vehicle from inside the house protecting it from being driven away.


o   It’s normal to invite a friend, family member or someone you know into your home. A home takeover happens when you can’t get them to leave and they start acting in a way that makes you feel physically, financially or emotionally unsafe.

o   If someone won’t leave your home

o   It’s important to act if your home has been taken over, or if a guest is refusing to leave.

o   Call someone you trust for help, such as a family member, support worker or landlord. You can also report the problem to the Ottawa Police Service on 613-236-1222 ext. 7300.

o   If you’re feeling scared, find somewhere safe to stay. Call 911 if you think your life is in danger.

o   Access our resources – and watch our videos – to learn about the warning signs and what to do if you or someone you know is a victim of a home takeover.

o   We also offer presentations and workshops on home takeovers, tailored to your community or to your building’s needs. Email us at to book your session.

Stay well.   

Suzanne Brown, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, Bel-Air 

Agenda and documents for AGM

Here is the agenda and other documents for the Annual General Meeting on Sunday, November 1, 2020 from 2-4 PM. All paid members will receive an invitation to the online meeting hosted via Zoom on Saturday, October 31, 2020. 

2020 AGM BACA Agenda 

2019- AGM draft minutes 

BACA Special General Meeting 2020-09-21 Minutes 


Auditor Certificate2020 ratified 2020-09-21.pdf

Neighbourhood Watch News (see above news post)

Have Your Say About Your Ward

What services and infrastructure do you want to see in College Ward? Now is your opportunity to have your say as the City develops its budget for 2021.

Next year’s budget will be a challenging one due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City is working on a budget that limits the property-tax increase to no more than three per cent – keeping Ottawa affordable, especially for those who have faced financial hardship because of the pandemic.

We are in unprecedented times and there are a lot of financial unknowns, meaning 2021 will be a lean year for Ottawa. Since the City will have fewer options for how to spend its money, your feedback will be especially important to make sure we’re investing our dollars where they're needed most.

There are many ways to share your comments about our ward and the priorities you would like to focus on:

• Post feedback or ask questions on social media using #OttBudget.

• Call 3-1-1.

• Use the tools on Engage Ottawa.

• Contact our office at (613) 580-2478 or

After the draft budget is tabled at City Council on Wednesday, November 4, you can also speak at a standing committee, commission or board meeting when they consider their portion of the budget in November and December.

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, ward budget consultation sessions will be virtual this year. Please join us on October 29th at 7:00 pm to discuss investments in our community.

Your feedback is valuable, and we look forward to working with you and the rest of our community about how to allocate funding in College Ward.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Oct 29, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Draft Budget 2021

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you are unable to attend at this time, the consultation will be made available on our YouTube channel for your convenience. 

Rachel Hennessy

Director of Operations

Offices of Councillor Rick Chiarelli

City of Ottawa | 110 Laurier Ave. W.

Ottawa. Ontario K1P 1J1

613-580-2400 ex 25264

Halloween Pumpkin Hunt

Ottawa Public Health is recommending not to do Trick or Treating this year due to COVID.  Here is an idea to decorate our homes so kids can at least walk around in costumes.  

On Halloween put a pumpkin outside or in your window.  Parents/caregivers can take their child out for a pumpkin hunt putting a treat in their child's bag every time they spot a pumpkin!

Don't forget to share your photos on our Facebook!  Happy Halloween!

Bel-Air Community Association Annual General Meeting (AGM)

posted Sep 28, 2020, 10:27 AM  [ updated Sep 28, 2020, 3:44 PM ]

Sunday, November 1, 2020 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.. 

Online Meeting via Zoom (or you can call into the meeting by phone).    

Interested in making a difference in your community?  Why not join the Bel-Air Community Association?  Community members are welcome to put their names forward to serve on the board.  We also need members for the Bel-Air community's Traffic Committee and the Housing and Development Committee. 

In order to attend the online AGM Zoom meeting (or call into the meeting by phone), Bel-Air residents are asked to become a member or renew their annual membership ($10) by Friday, October 30, 2020. An invitation to the AGM Zoom meeting will be sent out to all paid members on Saturday, October 31, 2020. Visit the Join/Renew webpage for details on paying your membership fees.

Please help to spread the word around the community and tell your neighbours.

City of Ottawa Cleaning the Capital

Bel Air Community residents, let’s do our part and pick up litter during the fall campaign until October 15.

When you are out and about in the neighbourhood, pick up garbage. If possible put the garbage bags with your curbside collection schedule.  If you need garbage bags and vinyl gloves, please contact Kathryn Loyen to get supplies: or text 613 282-3845.

Share your photos on our Facebook!  Thanks for keeping our neighborhood clean.

Tree Planting

posted Sep 20, 2020, 8:53 PM 

The City of Ottawa Forestry Services’ fall planting program will run this year. They are planning to plant at Navaho Park and Garfield Park as part of the fall program. The fall planting program will begin at the end of September and run through to mid-November.

They are also now accepting tree planting requests for 2021. Find out more at:

Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste

posted Aug 3, 2020, 8:04 PM 

The second Household Hazardous Waste Depot in 2020 will be held:  

Tuesday, August 18 to Saturday, August 22, 2020.  

Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

Location: Westbrook Snow Disposal Facility - 200 Westbrook Road. 

No electronic waste will be accepted at this site.

Property Maintenance and Parking Concerns

posted Aug 3, 2020, 9:38 AM  [ updated Aug 3, 2020, 11:10 AM ]

For any property maintenance and parking concerns including cars parking on lawns, please report to city by-law.

Support Your Community Association

posted Feb 18, 2020, 10:34 AM 

The Bel-Air Community Association represents the Bel-Air Heights, the Bel-Air Park and the Braemar Park neighbourhoods of West-end Ottawa.  Please consider supporting your community association by becoming a member and completing the online 'JOIN' form at   The annual membership is $10 and can be paid via e-transfer to   

Here are a few ways that we try to make a difference in our community:  

* Hosting political forums and community social events including barbecues, music, skating and plays;  

* Working to find a constructive solution for stormwater treatment on NCC property near Woodroffe and Baseline;  

* Promoting traffic calming and enhanced safety;  

* Supporting local residents experiencing sewage back-up;  

* Monitoring proposed and upcoming community development;  

* Participating in the City of Ottawa Clean the Capital campaigns;  

* Co-ordinating the annual community-wide garage sale;  

* Getting more trees planted on NCC land and in community parks;  and  

* Lobbying with other community associations about city-wide issues such as public transit and environmental protection.

Bel-Air Community Family Skate Day - Monday, February 17th from 1-4 PM at Bel-Air Park

posted Feb 3, 2020, 10:42 PM   [ updated Feb 3, 2020, 10:46 PM ]

You are invited to the Bel-Air Community Association Family Skate Day at Bel-Air Park (2149 Berwick Avenue). Come enjoy hot chocolate, snacks and music. 

Bel-Air Winter Fun Day - Looking for volunteers!

posted Jan 10, 2020, 3:51 PM 

Volunteers are needed for this year's Bel-Air Winter Fun Day (February 2020, date to be selected). A planning meeting will take place this Sunday, Jan 12 at 2 pm.  

If you are interested in volunteering for this year's event and can attend the meeting, please send us an email at

Agenda for BACA Annual General Meeting on Sunday, November 3 from 2-4 pm at Torah Day School of Ottawa, 1119 Lazard Avenue

posted Oct 31, 2019, 4:11 PM 

Bel Air Community Association (BACA)

Annual General Meeting

Sunday, November 3, 2019

2:00 – 4:00 pm

Torah Day School of Ottawa

1119 Lazard Avenue


1. Welcome / Call to Order 

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Executive Reports 

5.   Business to discuss and update on

5.1  Stormwater Pond

5.2  2112 Bel Air Avenue

6.    Board Introductions

7.    Election

8.    Adjournment

Bel-Air Community Association Annual General Meeting - Sunday, November 3, 2019 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., Torah Day School of Ottawa, 1119 Lazard St, Ottawa.

posted Oct 26, 2019, 12:42 PM 

Interested in making a difference in your community?  Why not join the Bel-Air Community Association?  Community members are welcome to put their names forward to serve on the board.  We also need members for the Bel-Air community's Traffic Committee and the Housing and Development Committee, and to help plan events such as our Winter Fun Day. 

Become a member or renew your annual membership ($10 cash) at the meeting and get your voter card. 

Please help to spread the word around the community and tell your neighbours by posting the notice below to the side of your local mailbox.

News Archive Prior to October 2019

News articles prior to October 2019 have been archived under another section called News Archive Oct 2019